It’s a whale of an ale! Unicorns are real! On the first Tuesday of every month, we raid our cellar and tap one of the most exclusive, special, or just downright delicious beers we can find. We like to call them Bangerz! Every Banger will be tapped at open, but when it’s gone it’s gone. We will have no regrets. Will you?
This month’s Banger is:
Dark Horse Brewing Co. {Marshall, MI}: Bourbon BA Cocoa Nibbler / Bourbon BA American Imperial Stout w/ Vanilla Beans & Cocoa Nibs / ABV 8.5% / Snifter
This specialty was the winner of the 2015 Staff Brew Off Competition. This super chocolatey, bourbon, creamy goodness is a limited draft only release that is sure not to disappoint! Don’t miss out on this one-time specialty.