Imagine, getting to enjoy a cool draft beer at the historic Jackson Street Roundhouse while reliving the summer fun of your childhood – a four foot high connect four, ladder toss, 5×5 checkerboard, coloring, and crafting things from beer-related items! Once again, all while kicking back and enjoying a delightful beverage from a local brewery.
Dream no more! Join us for our summer Drafts and Crafts event June 1, 3pm to 8pm featuring local Tin Whiskers and Urban Growler. For $15 you can:
• Admission into the Historic Jackson Street Roundhouse
• Sample all the beer you want or purchase a big kid glass if you love it that much
• Watch a copper jewelry demo by a blacksmith
• Make some cool drafty crafty beer art
• Enjoy some munchies
• Play all your favorite childhood game
• AND chill in our roundhouse while drinking beer!
Get your tickets NOW!!!!!