Bring your bike, bring your trainer, bring your friends, bring a towel. Let’s ride to nowhere, together in the Fulton warehouse.
Not a cyclist? That’s okay. Feel free to come and listen to the rock & roll, belly up to the Gastrotruck, and sip a Fulton or three.
-Supportive Parents
-Sleep Study
NOTE: This is inside Fulton Beer‘s (heated, snow-free) Northeast Brewing Facility. Same place as the Fulton Gran Fondo start & finish. [NOT THE TAPROOM by Target Field]
Angry Catfish Bicycle Shop and Coffee Bar will provide onsite mechanical support. Thanks, Catfish!
This is a charity event for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Entry is free, but donations will be encouraged via Venmo & PayPal & BloodSweatChemo.org