Our friend Max is facing mounting medical bills, an extended time off work, and he & Rachel are expecting their first child in April. To help them in this challenging time we’re having a Beer Bust at Maverick’s Wood Grill in Champlin!
$20 gets you a wristband for all the beer you care to drink (please be responsible or plan a safe ride home) from Fulton, Lagunitas, 21st Amendment, Brooklyn, & possibly others!
There will be all kinds of prizes you can register to win. All proceeds benefit Max & Rachel!
Also food is available to order during the event from Mavericks.
If you know you’re coming you can contact me to buy a wristband in advance, or RSVP to the event here on Facebook for planning purposes. If you know you can’t come but still want to help there’s a GoFundMe set up https://www.gofundme.com/f/lending-max-a-hand
Feel free to share/repost, hope to see a ton of people there to help Max & Rachel!