We are ending the year in style with our best beer dinner menu yet. Come enjoy a 5-beer, 4-course dining experience featuring our friends from 56 Brewing and some exclusive dishes from our culinary team.
Welcoming beer: Lowery Pilsner – 4.8% – Czech-style Pilsner
First Course: Creamy Roasted Pumpkin Soup & Festive Fall Salad
* Paired w/ Blackberry Beliner Wiesse – 4.5% – Berliner Wiesse
Second Course: Bacon & Blue Cheese Deviled Eggs
* Paired w/ Ssippi Squeeze IPA – 6% – New England-style IPA w/ Citra & Mosaic hops
Third Course: Stout Glazed Grilled Pork Chop w/ Roasted Brussel Sprouts
* Paired w/ Sarlock – 8% – Russian Imperial Stout
Dessert: Ginger Carrot Cake w/ IPA Cream Cheese Frosting
* Paired w/ Citrafication Vol II – Double IPA w/ Citra hops.