Join us at Fulton Taproom on Thursday, July 11th, where Fulton will be hosting a preliminary qualifying round for the Crayfest 2019 Crayfish Eating Contest!
Two rounds with 10 contenders per round. All participants get one VIP Crayfest ticket and Shack swag. The winner from each round will receive TWO VIP Crayfest tickets and the chance to battle it out in the final round at Crayfest to win a Prize Package worth over $1000! Twins fans, take note 😉
If you’d like to compete in the prequalifying rounds please send Smack Shack a Private Message with your name, telephone number, and email address.
Rules of Engagement:
1) 1 Pound of Crayfish
2) Three Minutes
3) No Eating Shells
Note: Space is limited and registration is filled on a first-come, first-served basis.