Duluth is known for great tasting water, but how does its source – Lake Superior – impact the quality and flavor of beer brewed here?
Join MPR News’ Dan Kraker as he hosts a conversation with Earth Rider Brewery Lead Brewer Allyson Rolph, Castle Danger Brewery Head Brewer Bjorn Erickson, and The College of St. Scholastica Dean of the School of Sciences Dr. Aileen Beard to discuss water and its relationship to beer.
The event takes a fun and unique approach to the conversation about water quality in Minnesota, with plenty of room for questions and discussion. We’ll explore what water quality looks like from the perspective of both beer brewers and beer drinkers, learn how the specific mineral content of Lake Superior impacts the flavor and quality of your favorite beers, and find out how what the beer industry is thinking about when it comes to protecting water quality and availability.