Save the Ales

wed28nov6:00 pmwed8:00 pmSave the AlesUrban Growler Brewing Company, 2325 Endicott St, Saint Paul, MN 55114

Event Details

Come and make your voice heard at this monthly social, action-packed letter-writing event, hosted by the Sierra Club North Star Chapter.

Did you know that if climate change continues at current rates, hops – a key ingredient in beer – won’t be able to grow in North America any more? Are you worried about our environment, and our country’s current policies and political directions that impact our Earth?

We’ll write handwritten letters all while enjoying local beer (or another beverage of your choice). This month, we’ll also write some postcards, encouraging voters to elect environmental champions. The Sierra Club will provide free snacks, as well as all the info, materials, and support you need to write effective correspondence. Stop by anytime during the two-hour window. We hope to see you there!


November 28, 2018 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-06:00)

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