Super Troopers Kevin Heffernan (Farva), Steve Lemme (Mac) and Minneapolis’ own Erik Stolhanske (Rabbit) will join Bauhaus Brew Labs on Wednesday, March 28 to host a Super Troopers movie night in honor of their upcoming film, Super Troopers 2. Kevin, Steve, and Erik will be on-site to mingle with fans, pour beers, and introduce a screening of Super Troopers to gear up for the sequel before it hits theaters on April 20th.
-7pm: The first 100 fans to arrive will receive a free beer of their choice.
-7:30pm-8:30pm: Mingle with the cast as they pour beers and and talk about the upcoming sequel.
-8:30pm: Screening of the first Super Troopers film
We’ll be doing $4.20 drink specials on tallboys of ‘Uber Trooper’ and Bark and the Bite will be on-site dishing up their Southern eats. Fans will have a chance to win prizes including tickets to see the second film before it hits theaters!