Join us at the taproom over Arbor Day weekend for our White Pine Project Seedling Drive. Proceeds from the sales of our White Pine Project IPA went to purchasing 1,000 white pine seedlings to plant along the North Shore of Minnesota. You drank the beer, and now you can help us plant the trees!
Stop in at the taproom during noon-7pm on April 27-29th to pick up your white pine seedling. The seedlings are free and available without a purchase of Castle Danger beer. Planting and care instructions will be included with each seedling, and we will have white pine experts here to answer any questions you may have.
We are reserving a keg of our White Pine Project IPA to pour for this event, as we will likely be out of the beer before the end of April. Come pick up your white pine seedling and get a pint of the last of the White Pine Project IPA of the year.
Our work isn’t over yet and we’re counting on you to help us complete this project. Let’s get planting!